2013 MLB Playoffs Pool

The Playoffs Are Over

  • The most worst score ($1.00): Axl
  • The most mediocre score ($2.00):Michael Hand-1
  • The winner: David Letson ($22.00):David Letson
Note on most mediocre: the most mediocre score was a 4 way split. The winner was decided using point spread, and using the existence of multiple entries.

Would you like to see the current standings: sorted by

You can ....
  • View current standings: sort by name, points, date, or games
  • View your (or anyone else's) entry
  • View current winning teams ... this will be continuously updated, though perhaps with a day or so delay
The above links work best under NetScape or FireFox -- you can use Internet Explorer, but screen updating is kind of hurky-jerky.

A note on awards

  1. The entry with the lowest score recieve $1.00
  2. The entry with the median score recieves $2.00
  3. The entry with the best score recieves the rest

Contact: Daniel Hellerstein danielh@crosslink.net

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This document last modified at 11:38p, on 30 Oct 2013.
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